Directions: Greensboro, Georgia; Augusta, GA & Columbia, SC to the Oconee Civic Center

Google Map and directions from Greensboro, Georgia to the Oconee Civic Center

These directions are good for coming from Greensboro, GA; Augusta, GA & Columbia, SC.

Use Exit 130 on Interstate-20 for Greensboro, GA.

From I-20, you will drive approximately 2.6 miles. 

At the stoplight, you will turn left onto West Broad Street.

Drive 1/3 mile and then turn right onto GA-15 / Laurel Avenue.

You will drive approximately 24.5 miles, the reach a merge onto South Main Street into downtown Watkinsvile.   

Drive approximately 1/2 mile and turn to the left at the stoplight onto Highway 53.

Drive approximately 1.8 miles and turn left at the stoplight onto Hog Mountain Road.  This is between the Publix Shopping Center / McDonalds and the Oconee County Middle School.

The Oconne County Civic Center will be approximately 1 mile and on the left.